Water coming out from a large water softener shower head.
Water softener makes showering luxurious.©nouubon |dreamstime.com.

This expert, unbiased water softener buying guide will help you choose the best water softener for hard water problems. Includessalt-free water softeners,双罐软化剂,and more.

What is a water softener? Water softener systems (often misspelled “水柔软系统“)是解决硬水问题的产品。硬水只是富含矿物质的水,如钙,碳酸镁和锰。如果你发现肥皂和洗发水不泡沫,那么菜肴有斑点,浴缸有一个戒指,洗衣面看起来迷彩,咖啡壶有鳞片存款,你的家可能有一个硬水问题。在这种情况下,您可能会考虑购买水软化剂。


Though the natural minerals in hard water don’t typically pose health risks, they can create damaging deposits in your plumbing,热水器, and other water-using appliances, and make washing dishes, clothing, skin, and hair more challenging. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 85 percent of American homes have problems with hard water.

Solving Hard Water Problems

硬水来自含水层和其他地下来源,从岩石中收集溶解的矿物质 - 特别是钙,碳酸镁和锰。这些矿物质使统称为“硬度”的水不良特征。硬度的严重程度由每加仑(GPG)的谷物(矿物质)或在某些情况下,百万分之一的矿物(PPM)测量。一个GPG等于17.1 ppm。

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What Is Hard Water?

Technically, any water that contains more than 1 GPG of dissolved hardness minerals is considered hard, but, realistically, water with up to 3.5 GPG is relatively soft. Water with more than 10.5 GPG is very hard. Between these extremes is typical, moderately hard water. You canbuy a water test kit on Amazon.

A Watersafe home drinking water test kit showing the test strips and a test vial.
Mailorder Water Test Kit. Buy onAmazon.WaterSafe

Hard Water Problems

Hard water is less an issue of health than of potential expense. Many of the problems created by hard water stay hidden until some type of malfunction occurs in your home’s plumbing system or in a water-using appliance. When heated, dissolved hard-water minerals recrystallize and form scale that eventually clogs plumbing, reducing water flow. Scale and lime deposits also take their toll on water-heating appliances such as dishwashers and coffee makers, increasing the need for repairs.


Hard-water problems reveal themselves as a nuisance when you bathe and cook, do laundry, and clean house. Calcium and magnesium react with many soaps, shampoos, cleansers, and detergents, diminishing their lathering and cleaning capability so you have to use more and rinse longer. They also form a scum on tile and what appears as difficult-to-clean bathtub ring. In the kitchen, this “soap curd” translates intospotted dishesand scale on cookware. Additionally, certain hard-water minerals, such as iron and manganese, can give water an undesirable appearance, odor, or taste.

Hard water does enter the health arena in one area: People who have hard water are more prone to rashes and skin problems because it changes the skin’s pH so that soap remains on the skin, clogging pores.

Water Softener Types


Salt-Based Ion Exchange Softener

This type of water softener cycles household water through two tanks: one with special resin beads and the other filled with brine. It works on the principle of ion exchange, softening hard water by substituting sodium (salt) for hard minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. For a complete explanation of how a conventional water softener works, please seeHow a Water Softener Works.


A salt-free water softener regenerates with a potassium-chloride salt substitute rather than sodium. This type of unit may be a better option for people who are concerned about salt intake. This type of water softener is actually a descaler—it doesn’t reduce the hard water minerals but rather prevents minerals from being deposited as scale to the surfaces of water-using appliances and pipes.

Nuvo H2O salt-free water softener with a cartridge.



When a water softener is recharging, it is designed to disconnect from the water system, so it is basically out of commission. For this reason, the regeneration cycle is usually set to occur at night. If softened water is needed during the regeneration cycle, this can be problematic.

Dual alternating water softeners with two resin tanks and a metered valve.
Dual-tank water softener has one tank that regenerates while the other tank is in use.斑点

如果水软化剂的停机时间是一个问题,或者家庭很大或生活在水特别困难的情况下,可能会聪明地考虑一个dual-tank water-softening unitwith two resin tanks. With a dual-tank unit, when one tank is in use, the other is regenerating. As a result, softened water is being supplied continuously, without any break in service. And because these units operate on demand, they can be sized smaller than single-tank units.

有几种型号可用。一种流行的产品,斑点9000,具有由仪表控制的全部可调节阀门。当水软化器开始反洗罐时,其控制将供水切换到另一个罐中,每分钟提供21加仑的连续流速。通过此模型,您可以购买各种油箱容量-24,000 - ,32,000,40,000 - ,48,000,64,000 - ,80,000 - ,110,000粒容量。价格从950美元到2,000美元的价格。

Dual-Tank Considerations

When shopping for a dual-tank water softener, keep in mind the space it will require. Install it where it can serve the main inbound water line so it can supply the entire house. It will also require a drain for backwashing. If you choose a model that requires electrical power, be sure a circuit is located nearby. For more about placing your water softener, seeHow to Install a Water Softener.

Also look for features such as NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification and a solid warranty on the control valve and mineral tank such as three years for the valve and 10 years for the mineral tank. A good water softener should last at least 20 years.

Magnetic Water Softener vs. Water Descaler

In the无盐水软化器s文章,您还可以讨论更有争议的选项 - 电子或磁性软水器或除垢剂。根据制造商的说法,该插入装置,将其夹在进入管上,设置磁场,从而改变碳酸钙矿物的电磁特性,以便通过管道和彼此排斥它们。有关此信息,请参阅文章。

This electronic descaler is reputed to effectively and inexpensively improve water quality. You be the judge! Buy on Amazon.Eddy

如果您想尝试其中其中一个,请退房并阅读Eddy电子水除垢剂的用户评论(buy on Amazon)这里显示。请注意,制造商提供12个月的退货保证。如果您确实尝试过,请向我们发送您的反馈。

Water Softener Size & Features

What separates one conventional water softener from another? Basically: Size and features.

How to Choose Water Softener Size

When buying or leasing a new water softener, selecting one that is the right size is important. You’ll want to get one that can handle the demands of your household but is not unnecessarily large (and expensive). Physical size isn’t the issue—the unit’s ability to remove “hardness” minerals from water without frequent regeneration is.

水软化剂出售在几个大小,每个类风湿性关节炎ted by the number of grains of hardness they can remove from water between regenerations. The idea is to get a unit that will go at least three days between recharges. Ideally, the water softener can also handle periods of larger-than-normal water usage.

What size water softener do I need?
You can calculate the size of water softener your family needs by multiplying the number of people in your household by 75—the average number of gallons used per person per day—to figure out the total amount of water your household uses daily. Then multiply this number by the number of grains per gallon (GPG) of hardness minerals in your water to figure out the capacity of whole-house water softener you need.

例如,图一个五口之家使用375 gallons of water per day (5 X 75). If your water has 10 GPG, you have 3,750 GPG of hardness minerals (375 X 10) requiring removal each day.

Water Softener Features & Controls


Water softener timer controls.Clocks or electronic timers automatically recharge the unit at a preset time and day, based on your average usage. This type may fall short if you have unusually large water usage on a particular day. They also waste sodium and water because they regenerate whether or not recharging is necessary. They usually do this in the early morning hours.

Softener DIR controls.A more sophisticated method, called demand-initiated regeneration (DIR), senses when the resin needs recharging, either electronically or with a meter that measures and calculates usage. A demand-initiated regeneration system saves on salt and regeneration water because it does not recharge unless necessary. In addition, it provides for abnormally large water usage.

Water Softener Buying & Renting Tips

Should I buy or rent a water softener?
In the short run, renting a water softener is often the most attractive option because there are no significant upfront costs. Depending on the level of service and materials the company offers, you can pay from $15 to $50 per month or more on a lease. If you buy, you will pay about $150 per year for materials. And, of course, you’ll have to pay for the unit. Depending upon the features, prices range from about $400 to $2,500 or more.

Here is a video of insider buying tips that can be helpful in gaining an overview of things you should consider when buying a new water softener.

Finding the Right Water Softener Company


It is usually best to work with an established company. That way, you’ll get a quality product backed by a company likely to remain in business for a while.



Water Softener Certification

Also look for certification. NSF International is an independent testing organization that tests and certifies water-treatment products. The water industry’s trade organization, the Water Quality Association, also certifies equipment, so look for the WQA Gold Seal. Although neither of these certifications guarantees performance, they signify that the equipment has successfully passed testing for industry standards and the manufacturer’s claims have been validated—an important step toward ensuring that the unit you buy or lease will offer years of trouble-free service.

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How a Water Softener Works
How to Test for Hard Water
How to Install a Water Softener
无盐水软化器s or Conditioners
How Pipes Work

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About Don Vandervort
An avid builder and remodeler, Don Vandervort has developed his expertise for more than 30 years, as Building Editor for Sunset Books, Senior Editor at Home Magazine, author of more than 30 home improvement books, and writer of countless magazine articles. He appeared for 3 seasons on HGTV’s “The Fix,” and served as MSN’s home expert for several years. Don founded HomeTips in 1996.Read more about Don Vandervort