How do you keep your home’s plumbing system from breaking down or needing major repairs? Here is expert advice for plumbing mistakes to avoid.

Our actions can be the biggest threat to our home plumbing system. If you wash the wrong things down the garbage disposal or do a poor DIY job, you could be risking an expensive repair or a plumbing emergency down the line. Read this article for advice on avoiding common plumbing mistakes, and ways to prevent damaging your home plumbing system.

1. Flushing “flushable wipes”

Ask any plumber how they feel about “flushable wipes,” and they will tell you these disposable wipes are every plumber’s nightmare. Don’t flush them down the toilet!


A clogged toilet filling with water
Water rising up your drains and other fixtures like toilets, bathtubs or washing machines indicates a full blockage.

Water rising up your drains and other fixtures like toilets, bathtubs or washing machines indicates a full blockage. If a flushable wipe lodges further down the line, other fixtures in the home might back up, too.

Removing this type of clog can cost homeowners upwards of $500.

A general rule of thumb? If it isn’t toilet paper, don’t flush it.


After cooking with a hot pan of grease, the worst thing you can do to your drain pipes is to pour the grease down the kitchen-sink drain. As the grease solidifies in the cooler faucet water, it will stick to the walls of the drain pipes and a thick, gunky blockage will begin to build.

Grease build-up inside plumbing pipes
Hot grease poured down the drain will solidifyfrom the cooler faucet waterwhen it reaches cool water.and start to stick to the walls of the drain creating a blockage.这使其成为凝胶并粘在排水管的内壁上,从而造成了阻塞。




当有一个总排水管堵塞,人们往往to go with the most powerful acidic liquid drain cleaner they can find. In some situations, this can actually cause damage. Aggressive drain cleaners should not come in contact with fixtures because they can remove or etch the porcelain or stainless steel. A better solution is tosnake the drainor call a plumber.

Nonetheless, drain cleaners can work if used properly in certain cases. But use the right one for the type of drain you are trying to clean.

For kitchen blockages,使用排水清洁剂,以去除进入排水管的脂肪和油脂。

For bathrooms,使用该类型的排水管中通常发现的肥皂渣和头发配制的东西。还要注意,大多数化学清洁剂至少需要一些流动,因此酸溶液可以到达阻塞。在某些情况下,有必要用柱塞或管道螺旋钻(蛇)机械清除块,以便化学物质可以有效地流过下水道线并粘附到阻塞。

当使用排水清洁化学品时,请务必遵循安全预防措施 - 通用清洁剂可能是危险的。在使用产品之前,请仔细阅读所有标签说明,可提供适当的PPE,并避免与皮肤,眼睛或衣服接触。



When you want to change out a shower head or connect threaded metal pipes, use thread sealant tape and—wind it properly—to seal the joint and make the connection easier to disassemble in the future if required.

Hands applying teflon tape to pipe threads


Using a grey color tape as shown in the photo will match the fixture’s finish and be less visible. Knowing how toselect and apply the right tapefor a specific project will save you costly plumbing fixes in the future.


Throwing potato skins down the garbage disposal may make kitchen clean-up easier, but the thick, starchy mess could cause some serious damage to the garbage disposal or your pipes over time.

A damaged garbage disposal
垃圾处置meant for only biodegradable materials.

The grinder in the garbage disposal chops up waste into manageable sizes and then disposes of it down your drain system. When this system is abused, it can lead to thick blockages and is environmentally unsound. For information about basic garbage disposal care and repair, seeHow to Fix a Garbage Disposal – DIY Repair.


In an emergency situation, such as an unexpected pipe burst, it is important to know how to turn off your water. You also need this information when you switch out fixtures in the kitchen or bathroom. For information about where you can find your home’s shutoff valves, see如何将水关掉到您的房屋或单个固定装置.

You can find the main water shutoff close to where the main water supply pipe enters the home. Each sink or toilet usually has shutoff valves on the supply tubes that serve it (commonly they are directly below the fixture).

A water shutoff valve with red knob
It’s important to know where the shutoff valves are located in your home or building, in case of an emergency like a burst pipe.


7. Failing to winterize pipes before winter


As water freezes and becomes ice, it expands. The expansion quickly builds pressure within pipes that can eventually burst the pipes.

有关更多信息,请参阅Winterizing Home Irrigation.

8. Over-tightening pipe connections

When installing under-sink pipes or plumbing fixtures, don’t over-tighten the joints. These pipe connections don’t require much force to seal. Over-tightening can damage the internal seals and make for a difficult repair job later.



About the author:Sean Comerford是Oatey Co.的技术客户服务专家。他是第三代商人,拥有近20年的管道经验,包括担任商业/住宅新建建筑,服务和防火工作的主要水管工。他持有俄亥俄州洒水和立管的俄亥俄州消防许可证。